who we are
Project Truffle is a Dubai based independent supplier of truffle products and fresh truffles. We are dedicated to delivering nature’s rarest and most sought-after gems to restaurants and homes across the Middle East!
Tuber magnatum pico

White Truffle -The Ultimate Culinary Delight

Tuber magantum pico is certainly the most expensive and the most admired mushroomin the entire world. Its appearance usually has an irregular shape, but it can becompletely round. It has a yellowish colour and its smell and taste are unique, so it isunderstandable why it captivates the cuisines around the world. As a meal seasoning, 5-10 grams of truffle should be served per person. Harvest season: from the midSeptember to end of December.

Fresh White Truffle Dubai
Tuber borchii

Bianchetto truffle

Tuber borchii is a truffle that has irregular shape and its flavour is reminiscent of garlic.Its colour is similar to one of the white truffle (magnatum pico). As a meal seasoning,around 8 grams should be served per person. Harvest season: from the end of January tillthe end of April.

Fresh Bianchetto truffle Dubai
Tuber aestivum vitt.

Black Summer Truffle

Tuber aestivum vittadini, known as the summer truffle is the most widely spread truffle, withgentle and mild taste, and it usually has a round shape. As a meal seasoning, 8 to 10 gramsshould be served per person. Harvest season: from the beginning of May till the end of August

fresh black summer truffle dubai
Tuber brumale

Black Truffle

Tuber brumale is a truffle that grows during the winter. It is usually small, but completelyround. Its flavour and fragrance are significantly more intensive than the ones of the otherblack truffles. As a meal seasoning, around 8 grams should be served per person. Harvestseason: from the beginning of January till the end of February.

Fresh Black Truffle Dubai